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Magic Circle Group- Planting Hope 2012.p

Advocate, Resident Service Provider,Owner, Developer

Affordable Housing

From our inception, Winter Center has been an advocate for decent, safe, affordable housing.  We have provided outreach programs in a geographical area of 20 Kansas (USA) counties.  We have a special emphasis in food security, education and employment, empowerment for seniors and leadership for youth and restorative justice services for those impacted by crime.


After working for several years to champion the ‘right’ to decent and affordable housing on behalf of low income residents and concerned communities and civic groups, the board of directors decided to take a more active role in the new construction and rehabilitation of affordable housing.  On February 20th, 2008 the Winter Center for Restorative Justice was approved and recognized as a CHDO (Community Housing Development Organization) for 8 Kansas counties; a private nonprofit, community-based service organization, whose primary purpose is to provide and develop decent, affordable housing for the communities it serves.


The Winter Center received certification from the Kansas Housing Resource Corporation indicating that Winter Center met certain HOME Program requirements and therefore are eligible for HOME funding.  These set-aside funds provide equity for community-based organizations to undertake projects, build their capacity to serve a broad range of affordable housing needs and provide guaranteed resources for affordable housing development.  With these funds comes the responsibilities of intensive oversight of all phases of construction and all facets of on-going property management, including its ability to maintain healthy cash flow and occupancy standards.  Winter Center received recertification of our CHDO status on March 26, 2012.  (The re-certification process is a regular and required function of monitoring by KHRC.)


Winter Center provides resident services and property management services for affordable housing properties.  Winter Center specializes in distressed properties and Resources Center programs.  Through asset management services, Winter Center has been active in advocating for rectifying health and safety issues due to deteriorating infrastructure.


  • We are in the process of updating our web presence and appreciater your paitence; please contact us with questions, communts or concerns. 

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